October – Halloween and Pumpkin Patch

We went to Tanaka Farms to pick out a pumpkin with our friends! Linus got to feed the goats and ride the tractor and play in the dirt. Good times was had by all.

Then halloween came and Linus got his first taste of CANDY! SO MUCH CANDY!

Linus got to feed the goats at the petting zoo.

And decided this was how he would hand out the halloween candy: “One for you, 50 for me.”

And lastly, a video of L’s dance moves.

October – Linus goes to China!

End of September, Linus and Mommy hopped on a big plane and flew to Hong Kong to meet up with A-Gong and PoPo. Linus was GREAT on the plane. Everyone who sat around us told mommy how good a baby Linus was.

We started off in Hong Kong and played with our cousins.

Then we went to the hugely anticipated family reunion of the Du family. There were so many people! We met so many uncles, aunties, cousins, nephews, and nieces! It was totally worth the trip to get to be apart of this.