18 Weeks – First Kicks!

Today is 18 weeks 1 day and I felt you kick for the first time today.  I put daddy’s hand on my stomach and he felt it too!  I was a little disappointed a couple weeks ago when we didn’t get to check in on you, but I guess you’re letting your presence be known now.

16 weeks

I wanted to see you again at the doctor’s yesterday or at least hear your heartbeat.  No such luck though.  All they did was poke me with a needle and draw my blood yesterday. Nothing exciting.

I think I can feel you tickling me from the inside.  I’m not sure if its you or just gas, but it feels very strange and I’ve never noticed this same sensation before.  I’m thinking you’re doing the boogie.  I hope you have better rhythm than Daddy.

15 weeks – Cat’s out of the bag

You’re no longer Mommy and Daddy’s little secret anymore.  Baby Maknugget, I can’t even suck you in to hide you anymore.  Keep growing!

The MakMobileWe also got a big new car for the new year so you can be all safe and comfy in it.  Say hello to the Makmobile.